Monday, July 12, 2010

Crazy Idea...

After deciding to take a break from Fish (until further notice), I have been stuck with the dilemma of not knowing what Water deck to build now.

Despues de decidir coger un descanso de los peces (hasta nuevo aviso), he estado cargando un dilema relacionado a yo no saber cual nuevo deck Agua estare creando.

I had so many old ones to revive and new ones to try: ALO Control, Sea-Serpent Weenie Rush, Wetlands Control, Codarus.dek, Absolute Zero oriented deck, Ice Barrier, Turtle Control (?).

Tuve tantas ideas viejas y nuevas cual quise probar: ALO Control, Sea-Serpent Weenie Rush, Wetlands Control, Codarus.dek, un deck orientado hacia Absolute Zero, Ice Barrier, Turtle Control (?).

And then I found a little card back from my high school days in my folder, and I wondered what would it be if there could finally be a deck that used it...

Y despues vi una carta que lleva guardada desde mis dias de escuela superior, y me puse a pensar si por fin puedo hacer un deck que lo use...

And yes, I know about the errata. But this deck itself is a challenge I can't pass up.

Y si, conozco del errata. Pero el mismo deck es un reto que no pienso ignorar.

I think I'm finally letting the heat get to me...

Creo que estoy dejando que el calor me llegue...

1 comment:

  1. I just wondering, why it have to be water type?

    Daedalus is a great card, but too risky if you play against infernity.

    Good luck, I hope to see your results


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