Well, my very first regional is in the books. And it's been quite an experience, I have to admit. I was expecting it to be a cutthroat environment, but I really found it to be a fun environment where everyone (or mostly everyone ) is having a good time.
After all was said and done, I ended up getting into the Top 32, placing at 27th amongst nearly 130 players. I was quite impressed, to say the least. Gadgets really showed they have what it takes.
Round 1:
Gizer Gadgets VS Gigavise
Pretty back and forth match. Royal Oppression really saved me on this one, as well as my brand new Fossil Dyna Pachicephalo. I had some trouble with the constant remove from play engine it had, but in the end I was able to trump it with Rai-Oh. Won the match 2-1.
Round 2: VS Glads
Oh wow...I just got beat on this one. It's not even funny. It was the first time a Glad deck beat my Gadgets, but I went down with one heck of a fight. Sadly lost 0-2 on that one.
Round 3: VS Fortune Ladies
This was the most annoying match of the day. Future Visions slowed me down on so many levels it wasn't funny. Fossil Dyna helped me clear the field of all the FL's, while the gadgets slowly swarmed the field. Went into overtime to tie-break, but won the match 2-1.
Round 4: VS Blackwings
I knew it was inevitable, so I did the best I could to keep up. In the end, bad hands were my downfall, along with the swarm of 3 synchros. Lost 0-2 once again.
I was pretty much upset, since I was 2-2 and my chances for Top 16 looked slim. But I kept going.
Round 5: VS Blackwings
...again, seriously? I took a deep breath and got back into it. It was a pretty back and forth match, with Raih-Oh and Consecrated Light maintaining control of the field while the gadgets did their thing. Won 2-1 on that one.
This was truly the ultimate test. Same as before, maintained control with Rai-Oh and Consecrated, along with some assistance from the Trap Holes. Won 2-1 also.
Round 7: VS Anti-Meta Gadgets
Round 7 was strange. It was a mirror match against a deck that was about 90% identical to my own build (sad about that). Rai-Oh was the deciding factor in this game, along with the first set of mind games I play with my opponent. Won 2-0
Once that was done, they went straight to the Top 8 match, but I was happy to see I got 27th.
Rai-Oh proved to be quite helpful despite the logical contradiction in relation with Gadgets. But I guess I'm eating my own words. I learned it can be quite useful if you get the timing right.
Also, Widespread Dud has proven to be quite the excellent card. It turned the tables in every match it was played (nearly every round it saw play). And even though I had 1 lone copy in my deck, it proved to be quite useful.
Overall, that was my regional experience. Decklist coming soon...